Brandywine Hemophilia Federation email info at Brandywine Valley Hemophilia Foundation

Research Grant Application

The ceiling for the maximum grant awarded 2023 is $5,000.

Brandywine Valley Hemophilia offers these funds for three essential purposes:

  • To enable eligible organizations or individuals to build capacity to achieve their mission statements
  • To offer financial resources to continue promising research or provide consumer services in ways impactful to the Bleeding Disorder Community.
  • To facilitate continued training and education helpful to those providing services to the Bleeding Disorder community


An application, with supporting required attachments, must be submitted by November 3, 2023 to be considered for 2023 funding.

The project/service/training will be begun, and progress shown through progress reports submitted during, the grant year, 2023-2024.


Please address any questions to Ann Mathis, Grant Committee Chair 610-513-7652

Download application