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Double H Camp June 25-30

The Double H Ranch for the 2015 summer camp. Go to their website to download application. Please fill out the parent forms COMPLETELY, and give your doctor ample time to complete their portion. In addition, please return the ENTIRE parent portion of the camper application, as well as any pertinent medical forms to the camp office. They use a rolling admissions process. Please note that there is no charge for your child to attend camp. However, transportation expenses and arrangements are the responsibility of individual families.
For more information go to their website:
Contact BVHF if you need financial assistance for transportation:
Dragonfly Forest Camp - Residential Camp For Kids with Bleeding Disorders.
This program is for campers age 7 to 14. The Hematology Session is for kids with Hemophilia and Sickle Cell Disease. Their goal is to provide an exhilarating, challenging, and nurturing camp experience through which children gain a greater sense of independence, self-esteem, and self-reliance. Dragonfly Forest aspires to maximize the beneficial therapeutic impact of camp with a state-of-the-art facility and an innovative camp program which integrates peer support and outdoor adventure with high quality medical care, supervision, and education.
For more information go to their website:
BVHF is offering assistance to families in need.
Contact email:
Hole in the Wall Camp
In 1988, Paul Newman opened The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp in Connecticut so that children coping with serious illnesses could have a special hideout where they could simply be kids. During camp sessions, approximately 120 children become naturalists and fishermen, athletes and actors, equestrians and hot air balloonists, potters and painters, poets and photographers, swimmers and singers, fly tiers and fly fishermen, outdoor campers and canoe paddlers, clowns and musicians, woodworkers and kite flyers, learning in the process that they can do more than they ever thought possible.
For more information go to their website:
Contact BVHF if you need financial assistance for transportation: